Tech Question - Leaf Spring Clips

Q -Mike

A quick questions for you. I purchased springs for all four corners of my '70 Camaro Z28 last fall and have installed them. About the rear leaf springs, do the bands that hold the leafs together get removed after installing? Or do they stay there?

I ask because I also have a '66 Corvette and I know the bands on the rear spring for this application need not be there. - Kurt


The bands or clips, stay on the spring. The bands are called "Rebound Clips". Normally a spring does not break while it is under load. It breaks when the load is released and the spring is rebounding.

When under load each leaf is supported by the leaf below it and the leaf above it. When the load is released and the spring is rebounding the leaves fan out.

This is where the clips come into play. The clips will hold the leaves together as the spring rebounds, allowing the leaves that are banded together to support each other.

So leave the clips on.

As for your Vette, you are correct, Corvettes with transverse spring, 1963 and up, do not have these rebound clips. GM does not call for them and I do not know the reason why. However, our Vette springs will have clips on them to keep the leaves from fanning out during shipping. They can remain on the spring once the spring is installed or be removed, your choice. - Mike

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